Clitocybe Genus
Common Name: Anise-scented Latin Name: Clitocybe odora National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 350-750 Common Name: Cloudy Latin Name: Clitocybe nebularis National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 267-749 Common Name: Crowded White Latin Name: Clitocybe dilatata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 238-746 Common Name: Fat-footed Latin Name: Clitocybe clavipes National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 320-745 Common Name: Fragrant Latin Name: Clitocybe suaveolens National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 237-751 Common Name: Funnel Latin Name: Clitocybe gibba National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 263-747 Common Name: Giant Latin Name: Clitocybe gigantea National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 264-748 Common Name: Smoky-brown Latin Name: Clitocybe avellaneialba National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 279-744 Common Name: Wood Latin Name: Clitocybe ectypoides National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 262-747 Common Name: Sweating Mushroom Latin Name: Clitocybe dealbata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 241-745 Common Name: Blewit Latin Name: Clitocybe nuda National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 346-749 |
Inocybe Genus
Common Name: White-disc Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe albodisca National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 15-626 Common Name: Ceasar's Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe causariata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 314-627 Common Name: Green-foot Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe calamistrata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 269-627 Common Name: Straw-colored Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe fastigiata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 318-628 Common Name: Straw-colored Fiber Head (Darker Brownish Cap) Latin Name: Inocybe fastigiella National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 318-628 Common Name: Black-nipple Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe fuscodisca National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 316-629 Common Name: White Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe geophylla National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 16-629 Common Name: Lilac Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe lilacina National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 13-631 Common Name: Green-foot Fiber Head (Brown tints in cap, fresh bruising and some what red) Latin Name: Inocybe hirsuta National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 628 Common Name: Torn Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe lacera National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 315-630 Common Name: Woolly Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe lanuginosa National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 271-630 |
Common Name: Blushing Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe pudica National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 14-632 Common Name: Pungent Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe sororia National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 317-632 Common Name: Scaly Fiber Head Latin Name: Inocybe terrigena National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 183-633 Common Name: Unknown Latin Name: Inocybe umbratica National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 626- Common Name: Unknown Latin Name: Inocybe violacea National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 632- |
Amanita Genus
Common Name: Cleft-foot Latin Name: Amanita brunnescens National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 126-572 Common Name: Booted Latin Name: Amanita cothurnata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 127-532 Common Name: Gemmed Amanita Latin Name: Amanita gemmata National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 128-537 Common Name: Fly Agaric Latin Name: Amanita muscaria National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 143-539 |
Common Name: Yellow-orange Fly Agaric Latin Name: Amanita formosa/muscaria National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 137-540 Common Name: Panther Latin Name: Amanita pantherina National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 130-541 Common Name: Death Cap Latin Name: Amanita phalloides National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 113-543 Common Name: Gray-veil Amanita Latin Name: Amanita porphyria National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 149-544 Common Name: Destroying Angel Latin Name: Amanita virosa National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 123-551 |
Gyromita Genus
Common Name: Saddle-shape False Morel Latin Name: Gyromitra infula National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 719-339 Common Name: Gabled False Morel Latin Name: Gyromitra brunnea National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 716-335 Common Name: Conifer False Morel Latin Name: Gyromitra esculenta & caroliniana National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 714-336 Cortinarius Genus Common Name: Deadly Cort Latin Name: Cortinarius gentilis National Audubon Mushroom Pg. 298-615 |
Amanita Smithiana: Causes delayed inflammation of the stomach and intestines which can take up to 6 to 12 hours after eating, and severe kidney issues usually occur within a week or two which typically require dialysis.
Amanita Phalloides: Severe inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which can take up to 6 to 12 hours after eating to manifest. Low blood sugar is also possible. Initial symptoms are less intense for a few days and then liver failure and sometimes kidney issues occur as well. which can get worse to the point of needing a liver transplant.
Gyromitra Esculenta: Can cause low blood sugar right after inflammation of the stomach and intestines occurs or shortly after it. while other symptoms can be seizures, and after a few days progressive kidney failure with severe liver damage.
Cortinarius: Inflammation of the stomach and intestines may last for 3 days. kidney failure, pain between the ribs and the upper border of the ilium, decreased urination, which may occur 3 to 20 days after eating. The good thing is in this case kidney failure resolves itself on its own most of the time.