My first experience with clove was introduced me as a kid by my mother when he handed to me a stick of gum. I enjoyed its taste and all but never knew its secret until later as an adult. When I once was getting ready for bed and could not sleep do to my jaw aching and my teeth it was miserable. So I did some research on line in search for anything to take away the pain. And well that night I found dried clove. I took from my kitchen self a few in my hand and began to chew the taste was intense and as it built up more and more as I chewed I began to regret putting this in my mouth. But after waiting and giving it a shot I noticed something began to transpire. As I sipped some water to dilute the taste some my jaw began to grow numb and the pain began to go away. I was impressed to say the least here I was in pain and not in a good shape if you asked me but to my surprise the pain completely went away. My jaw was filled with a calm. It was then I knew this herbal medicine was indeed the real deal and was worth mentioning. After I posted my first instagram post on this an individual contacted me and told me their horror story they had encountered with pain and had read what I had said and was blown away at the real truth this plant had on them. She had told me she had just had a filling and the pain medication had worn off and to top on the moment the filling had fallen out. She was in so much pain herself but after chewing on dried clove she was instantly blown away herself at how the clove being chewed coated her mouth, jaw and tooth and took away her pain.
AuthorWhen you think about herbal medicine most think, yeah right that stuff does nothing don't bother. But when you have taken the actual herbal medicine yourself and felt ill before taking it and saw the herbal medicine actual do what it can and heal you, you begin to stop and rethink things a bit to realize its true nature and medicinal abilities. ArchivesCategories |